Noah Gray a senior editor at Nature, and Mo Costandi a neuroscientist turned freelance writer, responded to our post on Twitter, citing recent evidence that the 10:1 glia to neuron ratio is a myth and that the ratio in human and other primate brains is much closer to 1:1.

Glia "outnumber neurons by as much as 50 to one," we wrote, echoing Eric Kandel's widely used textbook, The Principles of Neural Science, which states: "Glial cells far outnumber neurons-there are between 10 and 50 times more glia than neurons in the central nervous system of vertebrates." Other textbooks, including Mark Bear's Neuroscience-Exploring the Brain, make similar claims, as have many articles in the popular press. Last time on Know Your Neurons, we talked about glia-one of two major types of cells in the brain and nervous system alongside neurons.

Chapter 1: The Discovery and Naming of the NeuronĬhapter 2: How to Classify Different Types of NeuronsĬhapter 4: What is the Ratio of Glia to Neurons in the Brain?